Every day, people in our community face personal and social crises. Homelessness. Hunger. Substance use disorders. Lack of or low-quality education. Quality health care that is out of reach.
We – the team at United Way of Washington County, our partners and supporters like you – surround tough problems like these and we fight. We fight to make the lives of every person in our community better by improving their health, education and financial stability.
During our annual campaign, which runs from September through December, United Way of Washington County turns to our community and asks for financial support to help fight these complex problems without easy answers.
About Workplace Campaigns
Every fall, employers and thousands of employees choose to align their philanthropic giving with United Way of Washington County because of our unique ability to bring together partners, donors and volunteers to tackle issues in our community. Using a collective impact approach, United Way focuses on the big picture — the whole person and the whole community — to create long-lasting impact, not just short-term charity in Washington County.
Why the United Way
United Way of Washington County is a uniting force for good. Together with our 20 funded agency partners, we are mobilizing resources and making investments that strengthen the county by addressing the root causes of local needs. We are focused on changing conditions and bringing about long-lasting change for our entire community.
Our community benefits from programs ranging from after school and kindergarten-readiness programs that help more children succeed in school, to emergency shelter programs that kept battered women and children safe in times of crisis.
Local volunteers decide which nonprofit agencies receive funding and a local board of directors determines our direction.
Our campaign gives people the flexibility to direct their donations to specific nonprofits that are close to their hearts, or build the community as a whole by giving to our general fund.
United Way is the most effective and efficient way for you to help people who truly are in need.
Start a Workplace Campaign
Whether you’re a small business, major corporation, or even a nonprofit, you can join hundreds of local organizations that run a workplace campaign. Setting up and running a campaign is simple and we can help you every step of the way.
To find out if your company participates in a United Way campaign, OR, if you are interested in starting a campaign in your workplace call 262-338-3821 or email kbrandner@unitedwayofwashingtoncounty.org.
Individual Donors
We welcome individual donors as well! Your contribution does not need to be tied to an employer! You can make a donation to the United Way during campaign or at any time.